Spadel Group : Annual Results 2022

Strong growth in sales, volumes and market share in all markets where the group is active, but significant decline in operating result due to high raw material and energy prices.
In 2022, the Spadel Mineral Group achieves a strong increase in sales with a 13.7% increase in turnover. At the same time, the operating result (EBIT) is down by 43.3%.
The increase in turnover was reflected in all of the Group's markets with increases of almost 7% in BeLux, 15% in the Netherlands, 19% in France and more than 24% in Bulgaria, enabling Spadel to strengthen its leading position in the markets where the Group is active. The significant increase in turnover is mainly due to the growth in sales volumes and the launch of a number of innovations that were well received by the market. This is the case of the new, more ecological format Spa Reine Eco Pack 5L, for example.
The significant decline in operating profit (EBIT) is mainly due to the surge in raw material and energy prices. This unprecedented price volatility represents an average increase of around 14% on the Group's overall production and transport costs. The price increases and savings plans implemented during the year were only able to partially offset these cost increases.