A new project to promote biodiversity has begun at the former Ferme de Malchamps in Spa

Partenariat public-privé entre le DNF, le Parc Naturel des Sources, la Ville de Spa et Spa Monopole

New ecological restoration works have recently been launched on the site of the former Ferme de Malchamps in Spa to promote biodiversity. The aim of this restoration is to create favourable conditions in order to diversify the fauna and flora in this area, by installing hedges, trees, woodland borders, groves and rock gardens. Ponds have already been installed and these new zones will further enhance the site. 

Numerous public and private partners are actively involved, namely Spa Monopole, the Parc naturel des Sources, the City of Spa and the Department of Nature and Forests (DNF) of the Public Service of Wallonia. After the Ferme de Malchamps, similar projects will be launched at other sites of major biological interest in the Spa area, in particular in Bronromme.

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